“A Gross Violation of What The UN Stands For!”

The United Nations Security Council faces controversy and extreme conflict while discussing the rise of Kim Yo Jong upon the untimely death of Kim Jong-un, representatives speak argumentatively against proposed draft resolutions.

Following the sudden and jarring death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the United Nations Security Council found themselves in a very stressful–yet important–predicament. Reporters were able to hear various viewpoints from a vast array of representatives during their discussion of proposed draft resolutions. They decided to speak on how the Security Council would deal with the rise of Kim Yo-jong to power, and whether or not they felt inclined to interfere with political proceedings.

According to debate from a handful of speakers, the committee currently has two draft resolution papers on the floor–affectionately referred to as Resolution paper 1.1, and 1.2. The representative of Vietnam clarified the main differences between both pieces, telling committee that 1.1 focuses on “the need to retain peace,” while 1.2 places an emphasis onto the “need to find peace”–elaborating further that the writers of the draft paper 1.2 had a firm stance that peace does not currently exist in North Korea under the leadership of the Kim dynasty. 

It was quickly made clear to the press that the five permanent members of the Security Council–China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States–were in great support of passing the draft resolution 1.1, as per comments made by the United Kingdom’s representative in a private interview, stating that: “We believe that the best solution to avoid conflict is to recognize Kim Yo-jung as leader and begin negotiations with the new government.” Other P5 nations’ representatives expressed contentment with the 1.1 draft resolution, while the delegation of France made further comments expressing their discontentment with the second draft resolution on the table. “1.1 is a comprehensive plan that will keep peace in the DPRK and hopefully bring them to the table. 1.2 attempts to take over the DPRK, which is highly inappropriate and uncalled for. South Africa [the main writer of said draft resolution] is way out of line in many ways.”

The representative from Russia even went as far as to call the entire draft resolution a “gross violation of everything that the UN stands for,” denouncing 1.2 as nothing more than a warmongering misuse of the Security Council’s power.

Due to such a large controversy, Fox hoped to be able to get a few words from the main writer of the 1.2 draft resolution, South Africa. “South Africa, Tunisia and Vietnam have been working together to ensure the rights of man are upheld at any cost. We are hoping the UN will start doing something and help the people of North Korea instead of letting the people of North Korea suffer,” the representative told the press.

While the Security Council closed the room to press during voting procedure, Fox News was able to gain leaks from a representative that wished to remain anonymous in this article as to avoid controversy. This representative told reporters that Draft Resolution 1.1 passed with only 3 representatives voting no, and Draft Resolution 1.2 ended up failing and not going into motion. Perhaps this is for the best, as the draft resolution stated that it wished to force elections in the name of “sovereignty.”

Specific plans that are now going to be put into actions include: incentivizing nonproliferation in North Korea, allowing for the stabilization of the nation under Kim Yo Jong, cohesive contingency plans in the case of civil conflict, and investigating the sudden death of Kim Jong Un.

After all of this distressful debate, the public and Fox News both still worry about the rising conflict of Iran and its nuclear developments–and it seems that many members of the Security Council agree with this sentiment, hoping to begin drafting resolutions to alleviate the situation. The representative of France hopes that “an Iranian representative [could] join us and discuss reducing sanctions and limiting nuclear weapons–but not nuclear power.”

Fox News stands in support of the great work that the representative from the United States is performing in this committee, and they told the press that “the US is willing to take any means necessary to ensure the safety of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Strait of Hormuz. Whether it be through the reintroduction of the Iran Deal or other programs.” 

While cabinets remained closed, the press was able to obtain a leak from the Israeli cabinet surrounding Iran and the nuclear weaponry crisis. The full statement reads as follows: “Israel desires to maintain peace throughout the entire middle east, but recently the international intelligence community and press has stated that Iran is likely developing new Nuclear weapons. We desire to come to a diplomatic solution and craft new treaties with the United States and Iran and will remain strictly defensive, but if the situation presents itself we are prepared to defend our nation”

While this committee discusses the up-and-coming situation regarding Iran, we hope that they can come to peaceful negotiations surrounding sanctions–to ensure the safety of the world, and to avoid a third world war; this time, an all out nuclear one. Stay Tuned.

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