BAE Systems Considering Lockheed Martin Partnership, In Turmoil

In a dramatic shift in the status quo of international technological contractors, UK-based company BAE Systems has initiated communications with Lockheed Martin. Executives are considering a partnership with Lockheed Martin, with sharing of European transportation infrastructure and servers on the table, with other possibilities being cooperation on cybersecurity. However, terms of the deal are uncertain, and strong opposition to a merger is widespread. CIA partnerships have also been proposed, but have temporarily been tabled.

BAE Systems has faced turmoil, both internal and external, in recent months. Conflict within company leadership has also presented issues, as strong disagreement between BAE’s CEO and members of the board of directors has hampered progress on a deal and has already resulted in changes in position within the company. The corporation is bankrupt, and the implementation of a new CEO presents the opportunity for radical change in the company.

BAE Systems’ newly appointed CEO, Ms. Lisa Carr, has stated that the company’s current financial difficulties are entirely the responsibility of the previous CEO, Charles Woodburn, and has promised significant changes in the company’s strategy moving into 2021. It’s unclear exactly what these changes may include, but increased foreign partnership appears to be a very viable option, with potential markets including Europe, Asia, and the US. Division is present over the possibility of a Belarusian deal, with major decisions being revisited due to Belarus’s rapidly deteriorating situation.

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