An in-depth look into the Arab League’s response to Iran’s violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and whether or not they will lift sanctions based on the answer–nuclear war on the horizon?

During its time searching for a broader reach of perspectives on the current Iranian nuclear crisis, Fox News was able to get an inside look into the discussions of the Arab League. After being able to interview members of the Iranian cabinet, Fox News was surprised at the lack of information dissemination that was occurring within the Arab League. 

The representative of Iraq from the Arab League asked the committee what acts that Iran was being punished for, “[these] nuclear issues are purely speculation”, and implored for the committee room to lift sanctions on Iran out of concern for its citizens. While the Iranian cabinet very openly discussed its plans for nuclear development and hopes to become a new worldwide nuclear power, the nations represented in the Arab League seemed in the dark on these topics, referring to Iran’s nuclear plans as “merely speculation”, and rumors–despite the Iranian Ayatollah stating that they “will lead Iran into nuclear power”. Fox hopes that this dissemination of new information publicly will help further discussions from committees tackling these dire conflicts. 

A big topic of interest during the Arab League’s conversation on how it plans to deal with Iran and its violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was the involvement of western and first-world countries. Representatives of countries such as Palestine and Kuwait voiced concerns about western countries, specifically on how they feared that the United States only wishes to manipulate Middle Eastern countries to their advantage and push the region into further economic instability. However, members of committees such as the representative of Somalia countered these concerns by proposing that the Arab League needed to have “first-world countries involved”, due to the fact that many nations involved within these conflicts simply do not have the money or resources to adequately combat the issues discussed. 

The representatives of the Arab League also discussed sanctions on Iran, and whether they should increase them, decrease them, or keep them at the exact level that they remain currently. Representatives have made the stances clear–Iraq, Palestine, Libya, and Kuwait are adamantly against sanctions in any way shape or form against Iran, worrying of bringing harm upon the citizens rather than the intended target: the Iranian government. “Many countries in the arab league are [considered] important trading partners with Iran, and we can’t risk economic instability due to a vendetta the US has against them,” the representative of Kuwait said. The debate seemed to reach a common consensus at its conclusion: Sanctions against Iran are far too harmful to the public, and defeat its purpose of punishment toward the government. Despite this, a few representatives, such as the delegate from Libya wish to continue economic sanctions due to violation of the NPT. We hope that this kind of violation does not go unnoticed within this committee

The representative from Palestine left Fox News with a message condemning the actions perpetrated by the United States and western nations, pledging allegiance to Iran during this conflict: “We believe that Iran is being punished with economic sanctions for doing what the United States does on a regular basis. The United States has thousands of nuclear weapons, so many that it could destroy the entirety of the Middle East without suffering a major loss in their nuclear stock. Iran’s response, building a nuclear weapon, is simply the act of a nation desperate for survival in the face of an overwhelming foe. The committee is currently split on how to tackle the Iranian nuclear affair, a majority wishes to side against Iran. However, a smaller minority including myself, Iraq, and Mauritania wish to back Iran against the forces of America and Israel.”

Fox News will remain actively seized in the matter, and will continue to provide up-to-date information based off of incoming debate, and is looking forward to an insider interview with the representative of Lebanon. Stay Tuned.

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