Chaos Erupts Between Iran and the World After Successful Nuclear Bomb Test

After a summit held between Iranian officials and many other international officials, controversy and anger caused the room to explode–similarly to Iran’s nuclear bombs.

BREAKING: Iranian warships sighted to be positioned in the Strait of Hormuz blocking traffic, and has led to the dissemination of shocking information–Iran is speculated to be two weeks away from producing a bomb, sending the world into panicked and tense debate following this act of aggression. 

The Arab League began to discuss rumors of uranium enrichment occurring within Iran, stating that if they were to follow historical events, it was highly likely for this to be happening. Many representatives wanted to wait for complete and concrete evidence before jumping to conclusions or taking actions, and denounced the sightings of warships to simply be a western plot to sow seeds of disinformation and instability. The representative of Kuwait stated, “Yes, there were sightings of Iranian ships around straits blocking traffic. It is NOT confirmed if these ships are troops yet, however. It is a very delicate solution, but many countries see it as an opportunity for Westerners to divide the Middle East and others believe these reports are an Iranian calculated move.” In agreement, the representative of Palestine told the committee to “look at every word that comes out of a westerner’s mouth with a reasonable amount of doubt”.

While these discussions continued, and tensions only rose, news broke out of a successful Iranian nuclear bomb test, leading to the formation of a summit between many of the parties involved–including members of the US cabinet, Saudi Arabian cabinet, Iranian cabinet, and Israeli cabinet. Despite many efforts to keep the press and international community in the dark, reporters were able to enter this summit and get live news coverage. Other parties that were not represented at the summit, such as the Russian Federation, sent someone to speak on behalf of their cabinet. The Minister of Defense told the press that As the Minister of Defense, I have been watching the tensions and movements in the Middle East carefully. Western Aggression makes me fear for the sovereignty of Iran, especially with recent troop movements. I hope that all affiliated countries are willing to work together to find a peaceful solution, and avoid bloodshed.”

Now, the summit that the press attended seemed to contradict this wish for peace entirely. 

Upon entering the room, the discussion seemed to place a heavy focus on supervision of nuclear programs as to ensure that nuclear weaponry isn’t being created, and that Iran is true to its word on its comments of simply using nuclear power as energy to benefit its people. The Ayatollah of Iran and the Israeli Minister of Infrastructure were engaged in heated debate, trying to push for a negotiation to allow their respective nations the ability to supervise the other’s nuclear programs to ensure stability. The US Secretary of Transportation told the committee that actions taken by previous leadership–the Trump Administration–do not reflect the current opinion of the US cabinet, and they wish to come to a peaceful conclusion of the summit. 

Soon, things took a turn for the absolute WORST. A member of the summit made a public comment on the presence of the press in the room, causing multiple people to express discontentment and confusion as to why the press was even in the room. To this, the Ayatollah responded: “I invited the press: time and time again, the international community hasn’t allowed true transparency. It’s time for that to happen.” Debate continued as per usual, until a member of the press asked the members of the summit if they were aware of the recent nuclear bomb test perpetrated by Iran. This caused the entire room to fall into chaos and dismay, a large uproar occurring at the Ayatollah’s only response: “The west will finally learn the true power of Iran. Let’s go,” and sudden departure. 

The press heard several desperate and angered cries, “the Ayatollah is a lying dog!” “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not stand for this!” “The US will seek immediate action!” And the representative of Israel: “We are prepared to enter Iran with our troops, nuclear weapons will stand. God bless us all.”

Nuclear war on the horizon? Fear bubbling up within our committee rooms? Can we ever find peace? The US cabinet left the press with a final, chilling message: 

“Operation Ohio, then?”

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