CIMUN Very Passionate About Their Merchandise

Over the weekend, the push by administrators for delegates to purchase merch for the Chicago International Model United Nations conference (CIMUN) has escalated. From Friday’s brief mentions of the merch URL to Saturday night’s trivia-night showcase and Sunday morning’s aggressive pitches by the CEO of Bluebird Aero Systems, CIMUN merch has become a focal point of the conference.

The aforementioned website contains a wide variety of CIMUN merchandise, including shirts, mugs, masks, and hats, all with the CIMUN logo. Many purchases have already been made, but staff continue to push delegates to make purchases, providing a promotional code as well as sketchy incentives for purchases, with Bluebird’s CEO stating that delegate awards will be given on the basis of merchandise purchases.

Since no reporting body can be entirely neutral, the Jerusalem Post has linked below the URL of CIMUN’s much-promoted merchandise website.

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