In the classic eighties film War Games, the movie ends when a near-sentient computer avoids a global nuclear war when it learns the vital lesson that, just like Tic-Tac-Toe, nobody wins in a nuclear war. Unlike Tic-Tac-Toe (where every game ends in a cat’s game), a thermonuclear war ends with everyone dead (a far bleaker outcome). Nevertheless, Iran and Israel seem to have their fingers on the button. 

As the New York Times (and other outlets) already reported, an Israeli delegate stated that, “Our nuclear weapons also will stand at the ready as time continues onward, and God bless us all.” In an interview, an Iranian ambassador told the New York Times that, “To the question ‘will Iran deploy nukes if invaded?’ I respond with this: ‘Would India use its nukes if it was invaded? Would the US? Would Israel?’ Of course. Do not demonize Iran! We have our nukes so that we may never have to use them, you see?”

It should frighten the world that two nations are this close to detonating nuclear weapons. If Israel launched a preemptive nuclear strike, Iran will no doubt respond, which will no doubt provoke the United States, which will no doubt provoke China and Russia. Alternatively, if Iran launches a nuclear strike, Israel will no doubt respond, which will no doubt provoke Russia and China, which will no doubt provoke the United States. No matter the situation, everyone loses. 

This precept isn’t revolutionary, the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction (or M.A.D. for short) originated in the Cold War. But for some reason, global leaders seem anxious to put their finger on the proverbial big, red button. Why is this the case? Maybe the Ayatollah wants to seem like a strong leader for his people, maybe Israel wants to stay vigilant as a tiny nation surrounded by self-proclaimed enemies. Whatever the reason, it’s time for the Israelis and the Iranians to rematch War Games, or even just listen to some common sense. To the leaders of Iran and Israel, on behalf of the global community, fingers off!

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