Iran to Move Forward with Nuclear Weaponry Project

New leaks confirm that Iran will continue to work and develop their nuclear research sources. 

The Iranian Cabinet is discussing the economic and social damage that immoral and imperialist international sanctions have caused to the Iranian people. 

The Iranian government also stated that “Iran seeks to further its military cooperation with Russia, specifically by joining CSTO — the defense pact which Russia administers.  Such a move would be mutually beneficial to our two states.  Because of Russia’s nuclear arsenal and the fact of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)”.

There is still no response from either the United States nor Israel regarding the topic and how they are planning on moving forward. 

Meanwhile The Arab League has shown divided opinions on Iran´s possible nuclear threat. Even though there is still no new information regarding Iran continuing their nuclear program, there are certain questions regarding first world countries as well as western countries involvement in the situation.  

Iraq and Palestine are among a few delegations which consider that Israel and western involvement is the real security and nuclear threat to the Middle East  “Iran’s possible nuclear threat needs to be followed closely, but we can’t move forward until we are 100% sure”, they said. Other nations have been strongly suggesting the involvement of  first world countries to protect Arab Nations from Iran’s nuclear threats. The committee has also been discussing possible Economic Sanctions to Iran, something that Iraq strongly disagrees with. 

The BBC will keep a close coverage on what these nations have to say about the topic.

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