Israeli cabinet officials make comical statements comparing the Iranian conflict to the events from a Disney movie during a press conference, Security Council and Arab League come to major decisions

The United Nations Security Council has found itself scattered and unsure of which topic it should handle first, while the Iranian conflict and Korean Peninsula Conflict begin to reach a climax of sorts. The committee is pretty evenly split, with representatives from countries such as the United Kingdom and South Africa pushing for a focus on North Korea, commenting on concerns over a civil war with the involvement of nuclear weaponry, similar to the situation being seen on an international scale involving Iran. Other representatives feared the growth of Iranian nuclear weaponry, particularly the representative of Russia expressing their belief to the committee that Iran deserves to have “an olive branch” extended to them, saying that they are acting out of fear of the United States. 

The representative of the United States then put their foot down, stating that their stance is firm: providing barriers in the case of an increasing aggression from the likes of Iran is insanely important during this crisis, and the US would be forced to take more severe action if Iran refuses to stop nuclearization efforts.

At this point, the Security Council barred the committee from all press, effectively silencing Fox News and keeping the public in the dark from future proceedings. Luckily, reporters have had the great opportunity to speak with an insider representative who wishes to be kept anonymous. They informed us that the Security Council passed a resolution that entailed the removal of U.N. sanctions and trade embargos–however, “all U.S. sanctions against Iran related to alleged human rights abuses, missiles, and support for terrorism are not affected by the agreement and will remain in place.” On top of this, the Security Council pledges to not interfere with the upcoming Iranian election.

After gaining this information, reporters ventured to listen in on the debate happening in the Arab League, while they also discussed the passing of two working papers on the table. It seems that the room is split into two blocs, one that gives prominence to demolishing western influence, spreading information into Asia that “glorifies Iran and islamic nations” and “demonizes Israel”, and the unification of Arabic states–the other wishing to work alongside the United States and Israel in possible peace negotiations (a possible rejoining of the JCPOA on Iran and the United States’ part), helping Iran continue a civilian nuclear program while condemning the development of nuclear weapons, and limiting the activities of Iranian nuclear activities (bimonthly surprise inspections of nuclear power plants, limiting uranium enrichment, dismantlement of excess centrifuges). The representative of Palestine went as far as to compare Israel to the “creation of the devil”. Anonymous sources leaked that a resolution paper passed, that of the bloc focusing on the dissemination of propaganda and demonizing Israel.

Fox News worries of upcoming updates regarding this plan, and hopes that this does not go unnoticed. The anonymous source also voices their displeasure with the fact that the paper passed “gives money to terrorists in our countries.” 

Finally, reporters had the great pleasure of being able to attend a press conference held by the Cabinet of Israel, in which they gave the press important messages to share with its allies and Iran. “Israel has tried to negotiate with Iran, Iran has threatened us numerous times. We will not tolerate these threats,” they told us. Members of the cabinet went on to compare the Ayatollah of Iran to the infamous Disney villain, Scar–from the Lion King–and pointed out similarities between the nation of Israel and the character of Simba the lion. This person proceeded to say that they will team up with a respective “Timon and Pumba”, that being the United States and Saudi Arabia, in preparing defenses against Iran if they were to strike first. “Though we hope there will be no war, we are prepared for one. We have exhausted all of our diplomatic solutions, we have a fear that the Iranian government might strike us,” members of the cabinet warned, and told the press that they want to make sure that the Security Council is aware that Israel will see any “progressive moves from Iran” as inciting violence.

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