The executives of Bluebird Aero Systems, the fast-growing Israeli technology company, have sparred over a wide variety of ideas for expansion of their services. A general consensus was reached regarding the benefits of partnering with global governments, with executives showing significant desire to establish more formal ties with the United States government for both civilian and defense-related technology sales. Upon request for comment, Bluebird’s Vice President of Government Affairs stated that, “Bluebird would positively regard a partnership with a foreign nation,” although no specific nations were mentioned. Expansion is also being considered into states with the potential for high use of these aircraft, with the potential for future contracts existing with India and many Middle Eastern nations, while demonstrated animosity exists towards the idea of a contracted partnership with Russia.

Reportedly, a few members of the executive board have also expressed interest in joining the Israeli Defense Fund, a step that would tie the corporation even more closely to the Israeli government and provide increased linkage with foreign partners, including the United States. This push has been spearheaded by Bluebird’s Chief of Operations, who has emphasized the importance of international cooperation. While a directive has been drafted in this matter, its status is unknown as of press time. 

As of Sunday morning, Bluebird has passed a directive proposing a formal partnership with Boeing after extensive discussions. This partnership will be a collaboration between the two businesses in order to develop more advanced technologies, including aeronautics systems, and progress a joint green initiative. Boeing has not yet formally agreed to the partnership, and updates will be provided as the partnership is formalized. 

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