As tensions rise in Belarus, with fifteen protesters just shot and killed, with violence increasing, the United States and CIA aid to the opposition is only creating more conflict. At noon, electricity, cell service, and internet service all went out for exactly three hours. As soon as utilities returned, a televised broadcast was beamed to all television in the country. This message consisted of the newly named President Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who addressed the nation, stating that “Democracy has won”. Directly following, armed security forces have locked down the city and arrested prominent pro-Russia figures.

This is following an election and polls where the legitimate government of Belarus and leader Viktor Khrenin has been supported by the majority of the Belarusean citizens. The Russian government has immediately blamed the United States for the cyber-attack and arrests. 

“This is a blatant act of American imperialism, and if this can happen in Belarus this can happen anywhere,” President Vladimir Putin said. 

In reaction to the American intervention, the Tactical Missile Corporation and Sukhoi were merged and nationalized under the Russian Federation to form a new ministry to ensure security and protect the Russian Federation. 

Belarus is close to an all out war, due to the intervention of the United States. The United States has a history of involvement in regime change, that lead to ousting of the elected and supported governments, and in turn years of war, genocides and conflict. The United States and the West needs to stop interfering with other nations affairs under the ruse of protecting people, Belarusean people identify with the Russian Federation and should not be subject to conflict at the hand of the United States. 

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