Proposed Propaganda Campaigns – How the Arab League Plans to Tackle the Iran Crisis

The Arab League continues discussion of the Iranian crisis, leaking concerning information surrounding possible propaganda campaigns and other Middle Eastern countries developing nuclear weapons–following in Iran’s dangerous footsteps

The Arab League is up in arms about the extreme power imbalance within the Middle East, verbalizing their worries of economic instability within countries such as Lebanon and Iran! Many representatives are firmly against any plans of foreign–specifically western–involvement due to their “past of manipulation”, and an overall fear of major powers taking advantage of the salient resources found within the Middle East. Countries such as Iraq made their opinions clear that they do not wish to work with the United States, stating that “they are not afraid to bomb us,” and that the only way to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons development plans would be to remove these weapons–which is not a feasible solution, in many eyes. During discussions, representatives began to echo each other’s ideas and came to a common consensus: one nation should not be able to have total power over the Arab League. Comments from the representative of Libya bring a pressing issue to the table: should all of the members of the Arab League “have the ability to have nuclear [power/weapons]”?

As alluded to in a previous article written by Fox News, we were able to listen in on the discussion when a representative mentioned “the new Arab age”–as the press listened in further, the representative of Libya was happy to privately elaborate, sending a warning to the Iranian government: “The new Arab Ages is here! We must unite as one country fostering the great Arab Ideals. We understand the Iranian threat is large and thus we, the Arab League, have decided to keep a close inspection on the Iranian Nuclear Plan. If they do not meet our standard, we will cut diplomatic ties. With a united Arab League, we will come together as one to promote our corporation together. Conflict and tension will decrease severely and we will come together as a whole!”

Fox News reporters were sadly unable to listen into the entire conversations revolving various plans, but once we entered the room, we were able to hear a representative mention the usage of a possible propaganda campaign. The representative of Libya stated that “even if [they] don’t use propaganda, we need to [show and foster] patriotism…Many people here are against each other and we need to combine them.” The Arab League seems to be very focused at the moment on uniting in ideology and forming a unified body to fight against conflicts threatening the Arab world. 

Of course, the mention of propaganda concerned the press–but Fox News is dedicated to avoiding biased information and jumping to conclusions, and reached out to members of the committee to expand on what exactly was meant by this comment. Luckily, we were able to get a few words from the representative of Palestine, who told Fox News that the plan mentioned was “essentially utilizing social media, chat rooms, and messaging boards to disseminate pro-Arab League and pro-Iranian viewpoints. Many citizens of foreign countries view the Arab League as breeding grounds for radicals and terrorists, and do not understand the plight of Arabs or the true state of politics in the Middle East. This plan would try to spread pro-Iranian views, such that both citizens and government figures of foreign nations are sympathetic to Iran, and understand the actions of the Arab League.”

Is this simply a tactic to foster patriotism within the Middle East and Arab community, and ensure that the viewpoints of these groups are heard–or is this a scheme to spread harmful propaganda and rhetoric to allow for Iran and the Middle East to gain support in their nuclear weapons development programs? A hopeful unification project, or an anti-western ploy to advance nuclear power? 

Fox News is dedicated to continuing listening into these conversations to ensure safety and security. Stay Tuned.

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