Political and militaristic tensions have reached a breaking point as China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea face off against South Korea and its allies. 

Earlier today, China and Russia officially recognized Choe Ryong-hae, Kim Jong Un’s former Head of State.

South Korea, Japan, and India, backed by the United States, recognized the North Korean People’s Liberation Front (PLF) as the legitimate government of Korea. The PLF is a group of military defectors from North Korea that support the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. While political tensions rise, militaristic tensions follow. According to a recent leak, Chinese aircraft have fired upon South Korean soldiers at the 38th parallel. 

Although the Cabinet of South Korea has not made action yet, action may be taken against The People’s Republic of China.  After the recent encounter with China, it may be reasonable that the two countries will enter war against each other. 

If war is to occur, nuclear arms may be involved. Foreshadowing this today, Iran released a statement that “western nations do not have power over other countries, like Iran and North Korea” after conducting a successful nuclear test. This may suggest that North Korea will go to extreme means if South Korea were to invade the DPRK. 

Whether the South Korean government will go to war is unknown, but tomorrow, the world will find out whether the tensions between China and the Korean peninsula will deescalate. 

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