While working with the Tactical Missile Corporation (TMC) to protect and ensure security for the Bealrusean people, Sukhoi was accused of “working with the Americans and being Anti-Russian”, by TMC CEO Boris Obnosov. 

The actors who made this claim have not been identified and there has been no evidence found that corroborates this accusation. The Sukhoi Executives wanted to reassure the Russian Federation of their loyalty. The Sukhoi VP of Public Relations released a statement in response.

“In response to the heinous and baseless assertions made, claiming JSC Sukhoi is maintaining an “Anti-Russian” sentiment, the board first and foremost would like to say that we are appalled. The assertion that JSC Sukhoi, a historic and vital portion of Russia’s history, could turn against the motherland is absolutely absurd. Throughout our company’s history, we have done nothing but aid and support the motherland’s intentions. This statement is obviously an attempt to deface our company’s historic standing as an industry giant. To the group that made this statement, you do not hold any credibility. Your shallow attempt to destroy our companies standing is nothing but a feeble and shameful attempt to taint a respected Russian company. Your claim is baseless yet speaks volumes regarding your intentions. Our company never foresaw the day when we would have to reestablish our allegiance to the very government that created us, yet here we are. да здравствует родина Board of JSC Sukhoi” 

Sukhoi has seemed to regain and maintain support by the Russian Federation with a new nationalization of their corporation by the Russian government. Sukhoi and the Tactical Missile Corporation have been merged and nationalized by President Vladimir Putin, after the US intervention in Belarus and the mounting conflict.

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