Tactical Missile Corporation merges with Sukhoi to aid Belarus

President Vladimir Putin visited the Tactical Missile Corporation on February 6 to speak to the executives. Putin announced the merger of Tactical Missile Corporation and Sukhoi to form a joint response force to aid the legitimate government and citizens of Belarus. 

Putin stated that the “collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest geopolitical catastrophes of the last century” and the West’s new interference in Russia’s affairs showcases a new threat to global peace and sovereignty. 

The CIA are moving into Belarus to try and put a “pro-Western” in charge of the country despite Alexander Lukashenko winning the election with 80% of the vote. The United States is trying to aid the opposition and overthrow the legitimate election, and their interference is a blatant disregard for sovereignty and the national roots of the nation. 

The United States companies aiding Belrus’ opposition and interference is not wanted by the Belarusian people and goes against the ideas of a free state. “When the United States and the CIA can infiltrate and aid any opposition it chooses there are no free and fair elections” Executive Nurnberg said. 

The two corporations are sending aid to the Belarusean government and its people to protect against the United States corrupt military forces. The Russian corporations are some of the greatest at developing technology, ensuring safety, and maintaining a state of peace and order within Russia’s neighboring states. 

The merged corporations will send in military aid and security to protect against terrorism within Belarus and prevent United States intervention. United States intervention throughout history has always led to increased conflict and genocides throughout Asia, South America, and the Middle East. Russia will not allow the United States to allow increased terrorism and violence in Russia’s neighbors and this merger will allow increased security and peace for the Bealrusean people.


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