In both North Korea and Iran, the situation is inching increasingly nearer to Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.). China has publicly moved troops to the North Korean border after affirming the legitimacy of Choe Ryong Hae. The PRC is denouncing the rule of Kim Yo Jong, the de facto leader of the North Korean state, and has affirmed that “the best course of action is to engage militarily.” On Saturday, a Chinese whistleblower leaked further information to the New York Times. 

China is actively using its military against the South Korean military at the North Korean Border. Additionally, the Chinese cabinet is making preparations to bomb Seoul with non-nuclear munitions. The whistleblower informed us that “the nuclear option was also brought up as a final straw.”

The Chinese have made plans for an attempted South Korean counter-invasion of China. Under the circumstance that South Korean forces cross the Chinese border, Beijing “will go nuclear.” A nuclear war cannot lead to a victory for any of the belligerents. To be as blunt as possible: This is not good. 

The whistleblower asked the New York Times to print the following statement: “By leaking documents to publications like yours I am doing everything in my power to prevent the doomsday scenario and I hope that everyone in my cabinet does the same, even if this includes overthrowing Xi Jinping who has been a notorious warmonger in this situation.”

As the possibility of a bombing, coup, or nuclear war increases, the world holds their breath. The New York Times will continue to keep you updated as the situation develops.

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