The Security Council and Arab League’s opinions heavily overlap during discussions of possible punishments or actions to be taken against Iran, the idea of sanctions cause heavy controversy.

After exciting and taxing discussion and passage of a paper on the transfer of power after the death of Kim Jong Un, the Security Council transitioned into a new conversation on how to take action against Iran due to violations of the NPT as leaked in previous articles from Fox. Many cabinets and committee rooms have been simply talking about how they must take quick and dutiful action, but the Security Council has been extremely attentive to holding Iran accountable while ensuring the safety of the public. 

Many interesting sentiments were thrown around by representatives, including a heavy focus on either the reinstatement of the JCPOA or the recreation of a similar plan. The Security Council hopes to take note of the downfalls of the JCPOA and change them for the better, and improve upon the parts that worked exemplary until various withdrawals. Another focus has also been placed on whether or not sanctions would be in order, or do more harm than good–a similar conversation to that of the Arab League. Members such as the representative of Germany stated that punishment and sanctions have the ability to be helpful in many cases, but they fear that Iran will not wish to rejoin the JCPOA or join any future plans if sanctions are too overbearing and harm the economy too much–“The delegation of Germany is greatly concerned by Iran’s nuclear activities and thinks it is important that we act immediately. To elaborate, we view the JCPOA played a vital role in suppressing Iran’s nuclear capabilities, and hopes to work with other countries to create a new version of that deal. Germany understands the U.S and Israel’s conflict with Iran, but our main priority is de-escalating the situation and maintaining peace.”

The Security Council seemed to want to express the prominence of the people in whatever solution that comes forth during committee, many representatives warning against further economic sanctions to avoid plunging the Iranian people into more suffering–almost completely echoing sentiments expressed throughout the Arab League committee, showing that perhaps our world isn’t so divided after all. Ideas for the creation of a new nuclear deal floated around, entailing the support of Iran’s nuclear energy development–yet condemning the development of nuclear weapons, such as “intercontinental ballistic missiles,” as quoted from the representative of South Africa. The bloc working on these ideas told the committee that it was very important to allow Iran a method of redemption through peaceful means, and allowing them to be able to express their viewpoints on the matter as to come to a peaceful solution. The Security Council urges the cabinet of Iran to bring a representative into this committee as to try for peace talks and negotiation, and expresses its discontentment for all efforts to infringe upon Iran’s national sovereignty. 

The delegation of Russia’s representatives told the press that “it’s a very delicate situation–we must exercise our power with great restraint to accomplish our mission.” It is of utmost importance and international interest that the world can recognize the major security threat that a new nuclear state can bring.

The Press was able to venture into the Arab League after hearing rumors of propaganda plans, in order to “foster patriotism” within “the new age of the Arab League”. Stay tuned for a further in-depth analysis as information comes.

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