“The East is rising but the West is declining”


China is working hard to develop their economy, technology, and geopolitical influence to become a global superpower. So far the progress they have made in these developments include a military preparation and development plan, New China Financial Gain Plan, and an action plan to take over Taiwan.

Phew, sounds like a lot right!! Well let me break it down for you!

New China Financial Gain Plan

China’s economy is the second largest in the world and is projected to become the largest by 2030. The GDP and economic success of China is a form of political legitimacy with its citizens. China’s cabinet has created plans to further economic advancements and success within China. The plan outlines points of increased taxation, machine investments, and more.

Military Preparation & Development Plan

Chinese cabinet members have drafted a multifaceted resolution that helps the country grow its militaristic power and capabilities. The government has designated leftover money from Belt and Road investments to be invested in China’s Military budget. There were also proposals made to create a new military division called the Special Military Engineering division: that works on aerospace military research. There are also plans to build new military technology — specifically fighter jets — and a new destroyer fleet. What is driving China to increase military investment and research? Taiwan.


The goal of China is to reunite with Taiwan and for them to be ruled under China. There are plans being developed by China’s cabinet to further take over the island. Simply, China is working to infiltrate the country with propaganda, create a political party and nominate a puppet leader, create cyber attacks, and once that has all taken place fulfill a military invasion with Chinese troops. China seems set on reuniting with Taiwan and is not afraid of using aggression to get what they want.

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