Korea is burning, President Truman is on his last legs, and the cabinet has gone crazy.

Leaked US Intel on The War Situation

Seoul has just fallen, and the future of a free Democratic Korea does not look bright. The army of the Democratic (ironically) People’s Republic of Korea continues to advance south and the USSR Air Force and Navy have moved in to support them. With the USSR Navy attempting to blockade the support being sent by the U.S. Navy to south Korea, while the USSR Air Force is fortifying the war front and establishing air superiority. The U.S. Army is making a desperate attempt to regain control of the situation, as can be seen by this update wired to the US Senate:

The United States has sent in an additional 65,000 troops to the Korean peninsula and is
attempting to recapture Seoul via conventional ground military and air strikes, which is where the
current military front is situated. The Soviet Union is attempting a blockade of the Korean peninsula
and has fired on American ships — the two navies are engaging in a large-scale naval battle. U.S.
troops look vulnerable as they have found themselves cut off from relief aid due to the Soviet blockade. The South Korean military continues to be unhelpful. China is still amassing troops on the Chinese-Korean border. The current situation for the American military is dire.

The United States hasn’t seen such dire straits since Pearl Harbor, and with the USSR Blocked, our troops are stranded in Korea, surrounded by enemies on all sides. The future does not look bright.

But back at home, the situation isn’t much better, with the previously reported internal conflict becoming even more heated, with accusations flying in both the Senate and the Cabinet. In the Senate a bill was just passed, S.B. 17: Protecting Our Government’s Security; Unity and Happiness, which includes many extreme measures to root out hidden communists. Here are some excerpts:

  1. Hires outside private investigators to investigate all members of the United States government
    1. Investigators will investigate:
      1. Backgrounds
      2. Personal lives
      3. Beliefs
      4. Ties to communist adversaries such as DPRK, USSR, etc
    2. Investigations will last around 2 weeks each, with the possibility of longer if the investigators deem it necessary
  1. Establishment of the Subversive Activities Control Board
    1. The creation of a governmental committee to investigate communist threats and sympathizers infiltrating our society and government
      1. Punishment of proven communists will be determined by the jury system
      2. If found guilty, consequences range from fines to revoking of citizenship and deportation depending on amount of damage done 

As one can see, the Senate is not messing around and may actually be able to root out many communists, but weather this will help the situation in Korea is yes to be seen. (Readers can view the entire bill attached at the bottom of this article)

However, in the Cabinet things are heating up to a never before seen degree. In the middle of this crucial time of crisis. the Director of the FBI has accused the Ambassador to the USSR of being a hidden communist spy, with a document called the “Hoover Report”(attached below)! This accusation has torn the Cabinet apart in a time when they should be united. In light of this event, The New York Times reached out to multiple members of the Cabinet to get their statements on the issue. This is what they have to say:

“I have recently been made aware of the “Hoover Report” which accuses me of communist affiliations. These accusations have been not just politically, but also personally difficult to come to terms with, after my sincerest efforts to fight against communism, as well as the working relationship I thought the Director of the FBI and myself shared. My fellow Americans, I promise you that I am a true patriot and a true believer in democracy. I have dedicated my life to this nation, serving with honor in WWI and WWII and now as an ambassador. As further detailed in my full statement, many of the claims laid against me are baseless and a complete manipulation of the facts. I have done nothing to harm this nation; I would never do anything to harm this nation, nor the ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy. After the difficult situation in Korea, I believe that the Director of the FBI is perhaps attempting to use myself as a scapegoat. My fellow Americans: do not let fear of communism cloud your judgement. Do not let yourself be manipulated by an cunning, ambitious liar attempting to manipulate you and take down an innocent man.”

Statement from the accused themselves, the Ambassador to the USSR.

The full Official statement made by the Ambassador can be seen attached to the bottom of this article, singed by the Secretary of State, the Congressional Liaison, the Secretary of Press, and the Secretary of Defense.

“While the Director of the FBI has accused the Ambassador to the USSR of being a communist, many of my fellow cabinet members including myself stand by the Ambassador as we believe the evidence the Director brings up is the result of misconstrued events and therefore we cannot accept his conclusion. However, I appreciate the Director’s vigilance and continued support of our nations fight against communism.”

Statement from the US Secretary of State

“Personally, I take the side of the Ambassador. As we all know, she has served in wars before and has shown no intention of spreading communism. In fact, she has done quite the opposite. What is important to note is that by attacking the Ambassador to the USSR, the Director of the FBI is calling those who have worked with her communists as well. I do understand the point the Director of the FBI is coming from, as we all must remain aware of the public fear of communism. However, that does not mean that someone should make baseless accusations against a fellow American. These are trying times, and we must remember that we are one people. One body, even. God bless America.”

Statement from the Secretary of Defense.

“Over the course of in an depth investigation on the actions of the Ambassador, the FBI finds this individual suspected of obstruction of government procedures as a result of potential motivation for personal or foreign gain. The FBI requires a further investigation at this time and will continue to report its findings. It is adamant that this is addressed immediately and swiftly due to the current situation in the Korean Peninsula.”

Statement on the accusations by the FBI Director themselves

As one can see, many seem to be on the side of the Ambassador to the USSR’s side, and there seems to be plenty of supporting evidence for this view. But only time will give us the whole truth.


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