The Original Issue/Better opportunities

Starting from the being of the conference the PRC cabinet talked about working on their directives and by that they’ve managed to come up with a way to better their economy by not having funds to involve new housing development and working on the green energy plant.

Further on after the session the cabinet has managed to find a way to positively increase their representation to the media. From my interview with the minister of finance we talked about better china’s housing issue [from the housing bubbles] by providing funds and using the green energy they’ve been producing and assuring regards of the twitter leak of the U.S. file that china is making astounding progress and making sure that their nation stays strong. China also prides itself on making nuclear energy into positive energy, but from those outcomes china has also been working on their space stations and possible building up their current space station and have discussions on improving their resources for the area and the minister of finance has been working with companies for supply of the space station.

Early Conflicts

From the meeting between the U.S. and China there was a very outraged dispute about whether both of their leaders dictatorship was valid and during the meeting the U.S. cabinet thinks they offered china a deal which the representative of trade offered ” 10% of debt towards the U.S and we would want a allyship because we think it would be better for our economic structure and we don’t require a answer now. Shortly after the Chinese cabinet was outraged and thought “The deal was a hand held offer that benefited the U.S more than us,” the minister of finance said.

During the meeting the U.S. judged China’s dictatorship causing disruption and a outbreak of very hostile disputes and the PRC feels as they were disrespecting their president as the U.S. feel as they were “verbally abused” according to theSecretary of the U.S. when gotten to that point. President Biden also feels as they were the “most mature” party after his contributed outrage and feels as China was stepping out of line and the secretary of the U.S. feels as “China has completely overstepped their boundaries and has gone off the rails and they need us more than we need them.”

When talking to the PRC they stated that the deal was “disgusting and disrespectful” and they will not need to take it upon them as they have bettered their economic value and have shown great leadership to helping with Bosnia and working with the Russian cabinet to help better funds, housing, military and etc.

The humiliation of the ex-Director of the CIA

Before the conference the CIA director asked me if I could spread information on the PRC and intentionally tried blackmailing me into giving information about the cabinet and later leaked documents from the U.S. cabinet personally to me as he told me to realize them and then blamed by fellow delegate BuzzFeed of releasing them. Later he told me that they accused china of sending cyber threats and planned to do the same back. He also asked me to mention this “We tried helping china for no other reason than ( We are nice) which was dumb. Then they decided to insult us when we went in the cabinet meeting and what did we get as a payback? Literally nothing.” He also stated that the U.S. was going to do a coup.

From the Twitter leak “the anonymous” source of the cabinet has held many closed sessions regarding the documents and after trying to send spies into the Chinese cabinet, persuading them and initially manipulating them, the PRC refused any discussion with him and other delegates.

Breaking news broke out that when he was found out for treason, leaked sensitive U.S. documents that have realized plans regarding many other cabinets.And so forth his failed attempts to not only the public, his cabinet and others have made him irresponsible delegate and some would say “crossing lines.” with his actions and responses as I can only imagine what his cabinet feels towards the betrayal of his actions. Further action has not been reported but he was fired from the position and arrested for treason of U.S. property.

Improvements with Bosnia and Social ties

The PRC and Russian cabinet have been in communion into helping Bosnian citizens and country and the Russian cabinet has made a warm-hearted comment as “Russia believes having a new republic will help for bettering Bosnia and gives a special thanks to China’s cabinet with helping with Bosnia’s economic issue,” Milorad Dodik said. Russia is also more than happy and would love to improve their ties with China and believes it would be better for social and economic value, as for Russia’s only goal is to help other countries and diminish their image of being a hardship country.

The PRC is proud to be a representative into making Bosnia a better country as for their media actions have proven and shown leadership for the smaller country. The cabinet has also using their new energy source (green energy) and has provided funds for Bonsai by sending 100¥ and has given military to them and assured that the money will be used responsibly and can only hope with this opportunity that the cabinet has given them that their economy will be improving rapidly!

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