Thatcher has inspired the conservatives to promote anti-U.S. rhetoric. Members of Parliament have claimed that “Britain is the greatest country in the world”, taking advantage of the current U.S. crisis to further their own agenda. At this moment in time, parts of the House of Commons are against the U.S. despite their generous promises of coal aid. The coal dispute is now in question by the U.K. and they are almost ready to go against the deal, which would result in the starvation and suffering of the British people. This spiteful decision neglects the needs of the British people, and for what reason? To frustrate the U.S.?

U.S. comments about Britain have “pissed Thatcher off” and the conservative House of Commons will of course stand by their Prime Minister. They go so far as to express their love for the PM by ending their statements with “I love Thatcher!” However, Prime Minister Thatcher sent a secret memo to the members of the conservative party in the House of Commons addressing unnamed party members that have “failed on their promises of loyalty to the United Kingdom.” The memo contains a thinly veiled threat to “take care of” potential “traitors”. The Labor Party and Conservative Party have always been at odds, but now the division in the House of Commons has seeped so deep that the close knit party is starting to divide.

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