Tensions rose between the U.S. and Russia while the UNSC discussed the global food scarcity crisis.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has only served to worsen the global food crisis. Much of the world is reliant on Ukrainian grain and the war has severely impacted Ukraine’s ability to export goods.

The representative from the U.S. feels strongly that food security cannot be achieved until the war in Russia and Ukraine is resolved. The representative even went as far as to claim Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is “the root of all evil” and “the direct cause” of the global food crisis. Russia, on the other hand, holds an opposing stance.

“Food security is not possible until western encroachment ends,” the representative of Russia stated.

When asked if the U.S. will continue to provide military aid to Ukraine knowing this information, the representative of the U.S. answered yes. The U.S. feels passionately that they and NATO have an obligation to protect the freedom of Ukrainian people.

When questioned about Russia’s involvement in the world hunger crisis, the Russian representative said, “the root of this crisis is NATO encroachment and western imperialism.”

Russia feels that until western forces stop intruding on Russia’s sovereignty, the international food security issue will be incredibly difficult to solve. Russia, in fact, finds the U.S.’s involvement in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, “deeply concerning” and claims they are only exacerbating the already dire conditions. Who is truly to blame for the ongoing food crisis is unclear, what is incredibly clear though is that millions of lives are continuing to be lost due to starvation.

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