President Ali Khamenei visiting soldiers during the Iran-Iraq War. (Source: Wikipedia Commons)

Hot off of accusations that its ally Syria is engaging in chemical warfare, the USSR is pressuring Iran to cede the territories of Golestan, North Khorasan, and Razavo Khorasan due to claims of civilian killings. 

The USSR has accused Iran of killing USSR civilians in its northeastern provinces, stating that Iran has “endangered and already killed thousands of innocent civilians” in the provinces of Golestan, North Khorasan, and Razavi Khorasan, and thus requests to occupy said provinces.

It is important to note that the war between Iraq and Iran is occurring along the western border of Iran, with Iraq fighting a 2-front war between Syria to the west and Iran to the east. 

Iran has asserted that the war is occurring nowhere close to possible USSR civilians, claiming that the USSR is threatening Iran with military action.

The Iranian Minister of Petroleum states that “it seems like the USSR has the worst intentions for the Middle East” and is beginning to establish a demilitarized zone within the provinces, along with seeking diplomatic negotiations with the USSR.

The Minister of Petroleum is also requesting the international community to take notice, stressing that “we hope the international community and especially the U.S. can recognize the severity of the USSR’s deception and their threat at this moment.”

Additionally, the Iraqi cabinet has accused Iran’s ally Syria of using chemical warfare and thus violating the Geneva Convention during its incursion into the western borders of Iraq. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs from Iraq calls upon the Arab League to take action against Iran, stating: “There’s a great importance that the Arab League applies trade sanctions against Iran so that the Iranian and Syrian treachery can near an end.” 

Iran states that it’s currently looking into the accusations of chemical warfare and reconsidering its relationship with Syria, however, they are still allying with them.

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