The Janes: A True Advocate of Women’s Rights

The Janes Lead Activist at the Protest

The Janes is an organization founded in the 60s the as an “underground abortion network to bring abortions back to give people access to these vital lifesaving services for people in Illinois and Chicago for those who need it,” the Lead Activist of the Janes said. Today the Janes peacefully protested outside of the White House to get the attention of President Biden. “The White House has refused to meet with the janes so we will force them to listen” the Co-Founder of the Janes reported. The Biden administration hasn’t done enough and the Janes can’t communicate with the cabinet about increasing rights to abortion and codifying law. The U.S. cabinet refuses to meet with the Janes.

The Janes emphasizes that ever since the fall of Roe v. Wade there has been extremely limited access to abortion. The Janes’ protest aims to “create true change for people with uterus’ across the nation” the Founder of the Janes said. The Janes has 2 demands for the U.S. government 1) Childcare, transportation, education, and paid leave and 2) a Public call upon states to publicly fund abortion services. The protest is using #WeAreJane to share abortion stories and document the protests and invites members of the public to use the hashtag. The rally featured posters with quotes “We Must be Heard,” “Pro-Life is a Lie!” and “My Body My Choice!”

It is now up to the cabinet to decide whether they will support the Janes’ demands or hold firm with the lack of support for abortion rights.

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