When it comes to war crimes, how far is too far? The 1982 UNSC got into a heated debate this afternoon around the USSR’s actions, both past and present. As stated on Twitter, the USA representative was vindictive in their assertions, stating that the USSR had committed crimes which had gone unpunished by other global powers. While the USA mainly cited the Soviet Gulags, Japan was quick to condemn communism and was immediately criticized by the Zairian representative. The Japanese may not be well-liked on the world stage, as they played a major role in colonialism as part of World War II. This involvement was brought up by the Zairian representative as an example of Japanese hypocrisy. Could Japan rebound from this and stay in good international standings? Earlier this morning, the US representative expressed their annoyance with the UNSC’s issue with “going in circles”. How long the Council can go in circles without coming to conclusions remains to be seen.

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