Through an exclusive interview with the Cabinet of the USSR, the Moscow Times has learned the goals the Soviet Union has to spread Communism globally. The USSR’s number one priority is to focus on improving the lives of the Soviet people, by eliminating distinctions between class.

“The entire basis of Communism is that everyone is created equal,” the Minister of Defense said. “Everyone has the same job status and makes the same amount of money.”

In the eyes of the Soviet Union, this is why a free press and democracy do not need to exist.

“We’ve eliminated distinctions between outside groups,” said the Minister of Defense. “That’s why only two newspapers need to exist in Russia.”

The Soviets point to their strong economic numbers as evidence of their success. The nation boasts a 1 percent unemployment rate (by contrast, modern Keynesian economics supports a 3 to 4 percent unemployment rate to curb inflation). And according to the Minister of Finance, “unemployment in the USSR is expected to drop further.”

Their economic goals extend further.

“We aim to spread egalitarianism, raise the GDP, and implement the Brezhnev Doctrine,” said the Administrator of Affairs. The Brezhnev Doctrine believes in military intervention in any country where socialist rule is under threat.

This emphasis on militarism has brought the USSR into public light following their Afghan invasion. To grow Soviet influence, the Minister of Defense hopes to “make as much leeway in Afghanistan.”

When further pressed on spreading Communism through force, the Defense Minister initially stated that invading nearby nations was a possibility. However, she quickly corrected herself.

“I’m not saying we will invade other places,” she explained. “But we need to show other countries the right form of government.”

All of the Cabinet members insisted on invasions and resistance to democracy as a means to protect the USSR.

“Other countries have unfairly invaded our own,” said the Administrator of Affairs. However, when he was asked to give examples, he could not give any. Still, the USSR Cabinet was adamant that their current foreign invasion was the right thing to do.

“We’re using force because we’ve had to,” said the Minister of Defense. “Capitalism has failed for so long, and when other nations see that Communism works, they will go along with us.”

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