The wave of migrants and refugees has persisted due to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and the upheaval of food insecurity in Africa. The international community will discuss the question: where should they go? The refugee crisis in Europe began in late February 2022, when the majority of 8 million refugees fled Ukraine to Poland. As this war continues, residents in both Russia and Ukraine will be forced to migrate globally for security. Each country has an obligation to provide asylum for someone escaping persecution, with concern for their economy and safety.

The African Union promotes their notion of an “integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena,” where immigrants and refugees purpose this intent. However, Africa’s DRC and Congo face the struggle of food insecurity impacting a third of the country’s population, and creating a surge of internally displaced persons or IDPs. Luckily, the African countries of Gabon and Ghana open their arms to those who struggle and welcome many IDPs.

“For migration, we believe that it is necessary for a country to grow, however, safety is always in consideration,” said the representative of Ghana to the African Union.

Acceptance of migrants, refugees, and IDPs will support a growing population benefiting the country’s economy and GDP, they said.

With this in mind, the safety of the people is kept in consideration, as these immigrants bring new insight to the country.

“When it comes to the issue of immigration and asylum seekers, Gabon’s initial approach has always been to find the means to accommodate refugees while still ensuring the safety and security of official residents,” the representative from Gabon said.

Importance of understanding who is entering the country and for what reasons assures the safety
and security of the people living in it. As for the IDPs and refugees eluding hunger and war, they intend to improve their way of life. Every human being is entitled to a safe environment to live a secure lifestyle, and with the acceptance from countries for migrants, refugees, and IDPs, this lifestyle will be achieved.

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