Treasury Secretary Yellen pledges continued US support to Ukraine

Foreign aggression is a concerning issue today in the U.S. and bolstering American influence is a topic of exigence brought to the attention of the U.S. cabinet. The abiding consequences of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War has led to fluctuation in the U.S. economy which concerns itself as an issue in the long term. The U.S. cabinet will take on this matter for possible resolution to ongoing conflicts affecting the economy and U.S. influence.

Treasury secretary Janet Yellen plays an influential financial role in the direct control of U.S. monetary policy. โ€œWhen it comes to foreign conflicts, I firmly believe in continued U.S. financial support of Ukraine against Russian aggression,” Yellen said. “However, this comes with many risks and I plan on implementing significant regulation and protocols in order to prevent abuse of this emerging sector.โ€

With the issue at hand, Yellen plays a key role in the resolution of this international conflict, and who desires peace that potentially invokes advancements in the U.S. to a higher technologically advanced position within the international community.

As a whole the cabinet strives to achieve democracy and personal freedom as an outcome of this resolution. While Yellen could not comment on everything the cabinet may or may not do, she directs that there is a clear focus on economic support towards Ukraine and does not have military-related plans against Russia. Momentary outcomes would be not to pursue trade aggression with foreign adversaries such as China and look inward to adjust American government agencies as well as modify tax policy in order to raise revenue for our future plans. Ideally as a long term resolution they want to come out of this with peace both foreign and domestically, provide Americans with a bright future and strengthen their personal wealth as well as promote innovation and American private enterprise.

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