Chicago City Council passes ordinance unanimously

The Chicago City Council has been discussing solutions for the levels of societal interaction and the general conditions in the city boundaries, particularly about the public and the police. The safety of the people has been a top concern throughout all meetings, leading to debates about the overall relationship between Chicagoans and the police. The BULLS (Bonding Us Locals Like Superglue) ordinance promotes diverse relations with the Chicago PD, including with youth and with people of color, and pushes forward greater levels of public transparency along with safer infrastructure and technology.

Sponsor Ald. Anthony Napolitano, 41st, commented, “I am very proud to see my fellow aldermen recognizing and addressing the issue of public relations with the police department, and I am hopeful that this will not just improve relations with the police in Chicago but that this will inspire other cities to follow suit.”

Chicagoans should be proud to see their alderpersons proving their strong dedication to their beloved city, trying their best to improve standards of life and safety across the city. All alderpersons have been working on providing the most productive solutions possible and are acting as efficiently as they can. Some of the more specific parts of the resolutions that had been passed were creating programs for the spread of mental health awareness among both parents and children, adding lighting along alleys and streets to make people feel safer, recruiting more people of color into the police and fire departments to better reflect the demographics of the community as a whole.

Several more actions will be initiated based on the BULLS ordinance that will enhance the perceptions and interactions of not just Chicagoans but citizens across the U.S., and there is a lot of anticipation for seeing how efficiently this will play out.

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