Chicago City Council passes widespread ordinance to address public safety, mental health, community events

A new ordinance has passed sponsored by Alds. Coleman, Nugent, Sigcho-Lopez, Waguespack, Napolitano, Rodriguez, Ramirez-Rosa, Vasquez, Hidden, Burnett, Cardona, Harris, Taylor, Mitts, Reilly, Gardiner, Silverstein, Taliaferro, and Villegas. This ordinance having 19 sponsors and 8 sections within it has passed after an open vote.

The ordinance is known as BULLS, which stands for bonding us locals like superglue. This ordinance first mentions funding for municipal marketing, wanting to bring together more community events, allowing and wanting more small business owners to partake in events, as well as some government profit from some public events, so that money can go back towards the city. To stay on the topic of government, that section also mentions that government figures should also be allowed to have 50 percent off of event tickets.

The following section mentions better, and more training of police officers so Chicago can have officers that represent their city well. The following section has talked about better safety techniques for the public, which can follow along with the previously mentioned section.

Section five of this ordinance mentions how treatment should better be implemented for mental health matters within the city. Section six is looking for infrastructure improvement, and can be related back to section five in a subsection that mentions the distribution of security cameras.

The following section is looking to implement a better relationship with the youth and police force within society, including more programs for the youth audience. The final section of this ordinance wants public and social transparency.

This paper wanted to further implement public safety and good relations within the communities, and after being passed, it can now do so.

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