In the United Nations General Assembly, several delegates provided their input for decolonization. The representative for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ethiopia, and Gabon all spoke. Beginning with the United Kingdom, the delegate spoke happily about their successes in decolonizing their once massive empire. Over three dozen countries have been decolonized as a result of the efforts of the United Kingdom. Finally the delegate had nothing but nice things to say about decolonization and spoke very highly of it.

Next a delegate from Ethiopia gave a speech. The Ethiopian delegate did not speak kindly of colonialism as it was once a colonial subject of Italy. It was only a little over 20 years ago that Ethiopians were under the thumb of Europeans. The delegate also spoke of how Ethiopia still grapples with the aftermath of being colonized by a foreign power.

The Gabonese delegate similarly had harsh thoughts on colonization. The delegate believed colonization slowed down the development of countries. He also said that these formerly colonized nations were often caught in proxy wars by major world powers. He also specified how entire regions can be destabilized by the selfish act of colonialism. The emotion and sincerity in the voice of this delegate was very clear. Finally, the delegate spoke about how a peaceful transition of power was necessary for a peaceful and successful state.

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