Climate change is not a new problem. It’s been an ever-growing issue since back in 1988 with the depletion of the ozone layer. It has continued to grow and has had lasting effects on the economy. Some of these effects can be seen through unbalances in weather, and the increase in temperatures throughout the years.

These increasing temperatures have also affected the production of food, which has had an increase in hunger and a decrease in nutrition. Heat can diminish water, which also can lead to droughts, which are creating more deserts and people are facing threats of not having enough water. Along with the talk of water, these temperatures can affect the amount of rainfall, increasing the frequency of storms, landslides, and destroying homes, which is costing billions of dollars to repair. Along with that, climate change is making ice sheets melt, which is making the ocean levels rise, which can be threatening to islands and communities on those islands.

A representative from India shared, “Holding countries accountable and allocating our resources and funds towards combating climate change.” Most countries have their own contributions to climate change, but holding them accountable can help stop this threatening issue.

“All of us have established a climate goal and not all of us are meeting it. That’s an issue.”, the representative from India mentioned. Most countries have brought up the issue of climate change, it is whether or not they actually exceed the standards to actually attempt to stop climate change.

“Seeing why they can’t meet their goals and giving them resources to allow them too,” which was also mentioned by the delegate from India. India is willing to help and wants to make sure that countries, even their own country, has the needed resources to put a stop on climate change.

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