The current conflict between China and India is escalating, especially at the recent press conference. India has explained how they are a powerful and growing especially in the economic pact, and they will not be backing down from their “‘wonderful power.” Furthermore they have stated that they have no alliances and will be using all their power and whatever it takes to maintain their borders. 

Similarly, a representative from China has stated that they are strong, united, and growing. China holds a lot of empathy for its neighbors and on the topic of the war, they have said that India is wrongly claiming Chinese territory and have called out Nehru on lying about their alliances with the USSR as they have been meeting time and time again with Nikita Khrushchev. Additionally, they have stated that some Indian Ministers may have communist sympathies. 

In specific response to the current conflicts between India and China, India has a message for its members of the non-alignment pact. They confirm that this pact is still on, and still happening, and that they have no sort of association with the USSR nor any other associations as they wish to solely focus on themselves. 

Additionally, India’s response to the leaked pictures of their ministers is one; that they do not accept these pictures. They have strongly stated the fact that these pictures were unsolicited and no prior consent was asked. Along with this is the fact that they were abruptly caught off guard when they were attacked by these individuals taking photos, leaving them utterly confused. Continuing on the topic of attacks, the Minister of Finance has made a declaration that he was attacked by a delegate from China. 

India feels strongly about avoiding any sort of violence or war and acknowledges the fact that they have tried to negotiate and have peace talks and have given China multiple opportunities, however this has been met with ignorance. 

Due to the fact that China wishes nothing to have nothing to do with India, India feels that it is in their best interests to not be involved in any way. They wish to solely focus on themselves and be able to develop themselves due to their recent independence. 

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