Sen. Byrd apologizes for association with Nazi sympathizer, Sen. Johnston denies allegations

LATEST FROM THE POST & BBC: Questionable Sympathies?

The following senators have been identified as potential Nazi sympathizers via association with Nazi apologist and founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade Gerald L.K. Smith, Stuart Symington, Clinton Anderson, Olin D. Johnston, John Little McClellan, Allen J. Ellender, and Harry F. Byrd Sr.

Both the BBC and Washington Post were able to conduct interviews with Senators Harry F. Byrd Sr. and Olin D Johnston respectively. Senator Byrd Sr. confessed to the allegations against him stating “I apologize for saying that, that was very radical and extreme of me… I meant to say something else, more as a joke than anything.” Senator Byrd Sr.’s jokes will likely not be as comedic as he hoped as this breaking information does not seem like it could be of much benefit to his career or credibility within American politics.

Alternatively, Senator Johnston was baffled when approached about the allegations against him but after collecting his thoughts he was able to formulate a response. “I’ve served the US Government for a long time now, I’ve served in both the first and second World Wars, and any claims of me being associated with the Nazi is honestly just ridiculous,” said Johnston. Senator Johnston believes he’s done an insurmountable amount of work for the United States and wishes nothing but the support of the nation that he’s served so over the course of his career.

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