The UNGA plans for solving the climate crisis have reached a stalemate. The general assembly is slow on their topic and the world does not have enough time for them to take their sweet time. No solution of any kind has been mainly addressed, countries are not getting anywhere on there on a plan of any kind. However, many countries pushed for the topic of climate change to be primarily addressed.ย 

Since the 1850s, the climate crisis has shadowed the world every day. The climate of the world has been majorly changing the ideologies of countries through the years. Today the climate crisis is a major crisis for each and every country and the UNGA is taking their time on the issue that has increasingly been affecting every country. The UNGA will be wiped out because of climate change before they can help climate change. 

Delegations such as New Zealand have stated that โ€œThese solutions have taken much longer than they would likeโ€ and climate change is going to affect countries faster than we think. Other countries such as Tanzania say ,โ€œ They agree with the resolutions going on currently.โ€ The UNGA needs to pick a common direction and recommend a plan before it’s too late.ย 

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