Ushering in a New Age of Patriotism: GOP senators seek to revolutionize US economy

It couldn’t be put any more clearly, “We are focused on American issues, American solutions, and the American people”, said Republican Senator James B. Pearson (R-Kan.). Within the Democratic Party there are various counts of division over the matters of economic development and civil rights. However, the Republican Party speaks very vocally upon their unity and their commitment to creating a spark within the American economy and the people that drive it.

The party is specifically lobbying to impose protective tariffs to combat the effects of the Chinese steel industry, cooperating with American organizations such as Boeing to aid in the Space Race, and funding programs to promote American workforce participation across the nation.

In order to address the concerns over civil rights looming across the nation, the Republican Party plans to enact welfare programs in order to aid those less fortunate. Additionally, Republican Sen. George Aiken of Vermont and Sen. Pearson both openly support the rights of women and intend to develop avenues for women to become more active within society as a whole. These avenues include but are not limited to an increased role in the workforce, enforcing equal pay, and expanding women’s access to secondary education. These strategies will boost the American economy as well as aid the nation’s citizens in need of federal support as they seek to chase the American dream and create a prosperous life for themselves.

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