The tensions that exist between Ukraine and Russia are far from new. It is something that has existed for many years now, some dating back to 2014; almost a decade ago. Since then, as of February of 2022, Russia has sent many troops to go and invade Ukraine. Since that time, many civilians have died, mass destruction has occurred, and the continuous attacks do not seem to be dying down.

Many European countries are attempting to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, but the United States has also had their fair share of involvement. Including their attempts to provide aid, and spread information about the topic at hand. But, with the information at hand which has been covered by other media outlets, with the U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as coverage seen from the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. There have been some issues within the United States regarding the spread of misinformation of the issues that have been going on during this conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The big picture is โ€œthe mass amount of disinformation being spread,โ€ which the United States press secretary commented on, and also commented that, โ€œThe United States has been working on a solution.โ€

There was not much to comment on about what the actual solution is that is being worked on currently. This would attempt to stop the spread of misinformation, further allowing the advancement of support for Ukraine, which can be done with truthful information being put out for the public.

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