Chicago City Council working on healthcare, housing, and historical sites

The Chicago City Council is attempting to pass a paper, or even multiple papers, in regard to healthcare and housing in relation to migrants, and historical sites and bringing in revenue. A group discussion was held to hear what some had talked about when they had time for smaller group discussions.

On the historical sites aspect of the conversation, Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, 33rd, brought up how she wants to see how they can attempt to bring back the old tourism-based economy. On a similar note to that, Ald. Pat Dowell, 3rd, mentioned everything in historical sites should stay the same unless there is severe damage to a site, and at that point in time they will help to reconstruct it to make it almost, if not, the same. Revenue has also been mentioned by Ald. Brendan Reilly, 42nd, and the Ald. Andre Vasquez, 40th, mentioning that roughly $550 million worth of revenue can be generated from historical sites.

Ald. Dowell also noted that there should be more healthcare for migrants. In relation to that, Ald. Reilly mentioned how healthcare is a complex topic, but there is an ordinance that will soon be ready to be passed that can tie into such things like healthcare.

Yet another issue, which relates to migrants, is the issue of housing. It was brought up that drug use and addiction was one of the issues that related to homelessness in Chicago. Something that was brought up to help this issue of drug addiction is better healthcare options for people who are struggling with drug addiction. It has been agreed upon that getting help for this addiction can decrease the issue relating to homelessness, not only for migrants, but for others living in Chicago.

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