In a majority Democratic yet visibly divided Senate, Senators are heavily struggling to reach any sort of agreement over how to take action on the intensifying Cuban Missile Crisis, and debates have even led to an angry proposition that President John F. Kennedy be impeached. It is no longer just party differences that are causing splits between views, as senators representing the same party express contradicting opinions on what to do about Cuba. Solutions and objectives repeatedly contradict each other while various senators give speeches to the Cabinet.

After listening to the opinions of a few Democrats, it seems that de-escalation of the crisis appears to be a popular idea amongst the Democratic party. On the other hand, Republicans desire to push for greater protection of American citizens from any expansion of communism and the Cuban Missile Crisis onto American soil and to raise funds for fighting the Cold War effort.

According to the Democratic Senator of Wisconsin, William Proxmire, “All of the members of the Senate are trying as hard as they possibly can to regain citizens’ trust and restore public faith in the Senate.” Following up on the scandals concerning the political and ideological associations of some Senators, it is clear that they strongly wish to make up for what has happened. Proxmire emphasized that he would like to call upon every Senator to do what is best for all Americans despite political beliefs, and that peace is the priority to negotiate for.

It has additionally been noted that amplifying involvement in the crisis would be far too costly for the United States, seeing that we, as a nation, are still recovering from some economic recessions coming back from war. Considering all this, the Senate has yet to pass anything regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, and leaves Americans increasingly anxious over the tomorrow of the United States.

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