Is the Senate being shut out, or are they separating themselves?

Concerns have arisen as multiple senators express their displeasure with the lack of communication between branches of the United States government. Several new resolutions presented before the Senate emphasize better and more frequent levels of communication between the executive and legislative branches, but also dart between numerous topics.

The U.S. Senate has struggled to come to conclusions on major topics as the subject of debate shifts continuously, but valuable arguments are still being made. Civil rights and checks and balances float around the room while Senators talk about what is most important for the country. However, the consensus proves to be that immediate action needs to be taken on the rights of women and all people of color. Even then, the two groups in desperate need of civil rights protections cannot seem to be agreed upon.

Cooperation seems to be absent and agreement is rarely occurring in any part of the debate, even though nearly all senators share the view of the vitality of the topics. The priorities of the Senate remain questionable seeing that conversations within the chamber have no majorly effective results. As stated by more than one Senator, the allocation and protection of these rights to minority groups is imperative, and it is clear that the Senate, while indecisive, is determined to create conclusions. The future of social inequality remains anticipated yet uncertain.

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