Historically speaking, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan has been known as the party that takes a Taiwanese nationalist position, advocating for strengthening Taiwanese identity. This government has been leading and helping Taiwan with creating and enacting new developments.

Despite their increased efforts, in the most recent election in Taiwan, the KMT, a Chinese Nationalist Party, won. The consequences of this were the fact that the people regretted their decision and this is causing violent riots within Taiwan. The U.S. continued to investigate this matter further. Simultaneously, the People’s Republic of China made statements saying how they are all for democracy, and democracy has spoken.

This caused quite a stir within U.S. government, as there were talks of impeachment from the Republican party as they felt no proper measures were being taken. This stir took quite some time to settle down, but once it did, the U.S. made the firm decision of calling for a reflection in Taiwan.

The effects of this re-election on the people of Taiwan, and what is held for the future of Taiwan have not yet been discussed publicly. The U.S. has not made any further statements and more developments are to come.

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