The UN Security Council is facing debates over the humanitarian aid paper as China has used its veto power and has vetoed the idea of humanitarian aid for the Russia-Ukraine war. 

The sole purpose of this paper was to help both sides in the conflict, as seen in the proposed paper, by being able to have equal sponsors and aid sent on both sides for the reason of basic human equality. It was supposed to help the millions of civilians living in distress, which now seems a hard goal to reach. 

The United States has had very strong opinions regarding this situation as they do not support the use of the veto. The United States is against China’s veto in the humanitarian aid paper as there was perhaps no true basis for China to use its powers. It is also important to note that this humanitarian aid paper was supported by the Russian Federation. 

In an interview with the United States, they expressed their deep disappointment, saying, “humanitarian aid was crucial, and support for both eastern and western powers was on this paper. It is disappointing that China has used its veto powers.” 

Changes occur rapidly within this conflict and the UNSC’s debate only further stretches out the future of this nation.

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