In 1962, the role of women in society is becoming more important. It is becoming more than just cooking, cleaning, and watching the children. The role that they can play in society is now more important than it has been before.

Hon. Orville Freeman mentions how women can play a significant role in the Cold War between America and Cuba. We have men who are standing with women to want to help them become more active in American society. Working with other powerful women and men can help everyone achieve a common goal that they want, which is for women to have more roles within society.

As a group, the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women are working to see if they can introduce more women into the medical field, as well as the serving in the war if they so please. This would allow more empowerment within women, allowing them to be more confident to share their ideas; a critical perspective when considering the development of America.

Freeman also mentioned in an interview, โ€œWe believe that providing loans to women in entrepreneurship would enhance network and collaboration between women and those collaborations could be channeled into civic duties.โ€

Providing loans to allow women to be able to experience different professions will allow them to want to be more active in society. This is important because whether or not you need people to be more active in society, if they are not willing to do it, less people will want to be active in society.

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