The social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has created new borders for the expansion of the app. X’s current plan includes the collaboration of their companies such as Solar City and The Boring Company to create additional features to the app. These upgrades have currently been put on a major hold after the U.S. government announced they’ll be suing the platform regarding the accusations of spreading false information on the app.

The press representative of X announced yesterday the creation of “X Connect”, a user platform made to go worldwide, featuring add-ons for the app such as X Maps which collaborates with Solar City and X to create a map system within their app to help users. X also wants to implement an AI source into the app to allow for artificial intelligence to assist users. However, with the recent reaction from Elon Musk to the U.S. government being quite questionable, will X continue their journey to the collaboration of companies to the platform?

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