The U.S. Senate: Senator William Proxmire Sepaks on Behalf of the Senate

In the most recent press conference, Sen. Proxmire represented the U.S. Senate and started with his condolences for the loss of Eleanor Roosevelt. He continued to express that as they dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis, they felt that it was important to discuss the civil rights issue within the nation, specifically women’s rights. 

In an interview with Senator Proxmire, he stated many things not only on behalf of himself, but speaking overall for the U.S. Senate. 

The Cuban missile crisis has impacted many and caused chaos, and the U.S. Senate reassures their unity and doing “not only what is in our best interest, but in the best interest of the American people.” 

The Senate attempted solutions to help de-escalate the situation in Cuba, and at the same time protect the U.S. and its public as a whole, ensuring the safety of all Americans. 

On the topic of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, Sen. Proxmire said, “we understand women’s rights and civil rights are an issue that requires prioritization, and they are the most important thing to the Senate. Currently, we are working on solutions to try and implement more education, as well as other social reforms which are in the process.” 

“As a senator that wants every American to know the truth, I wish all of you to know that we are trying to do the best for all American people, and I acknowledge the discontent with us, but rest assured we are using our power to ensure the happiness and great state of the U.S.A.”

Overall not only as a senator, but a representative of our government, Sen. Proxmire and the rest of the U.S. Senate want the American people to rest assured knowing they are working on solutions to help with women’s rights, civil rights, and the overall safety of the nation, which will further unveil as debates and bills continue to develop. 

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